Our team formed itself during the long lasting development of free a online game 'Gladiators'. Now it is called '
Lands of heroes'.
We enjoy making unique computer games, the ones we would like to play ourselves both in the office and at home. Despite the fact that there is more and more entertaining software on the market, you can rarely see anything new. In most cases we only see old ideas 'refreshed' with new graphics and better sound.
On one hand it is great that old, certainly, excellent games aren't forgotten and heritage lives on. However, on the other hand, we'd like to see something new, at least slightly different from what we saw earlier.
We try to create exciting, challenging games. We try to embody some new uncommon game ideas, unusual game mechanics in our game products. Looking for something new is not an easy process. Every search requires patience and luck. We would like to believe that the games we create are interesting and at least somewhat unusual products for you as well. After all it's up to you to decide whether we succeeded in our quest.

Copyright 2007 Unique Games Co.